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Scoping out what to buy the paraglider in your life this holiday season? If so, you’ve come to the right place. As the holidays come creeping up fast, the stress to find that perfect paragliding gift that will make them smile can feel overwhelming. After all, paragliding is a sport certainly isn’t a cheap sport. What can make it even more challenging is that they more than likely already have the gear they need. Plus, most paragliders prefer to pick out their own wing to ensure it’s the right fit for their skills and piloting objectives. But just because they might be well-equipped to go flying right now doesn’t mean there aren’t some wonderful gifts that can make their experience even better. And no, you don’t have to spend thousands of dollars! To help you on your mission, below are some cost-effective, yet highly commendable paragliding gifts that you can get right now that your paragliding enthusiast will love.
This book is perfect for both beginners and intermediates, with clear imagery and tons of details on how to become the best paraglider you can be. It includes sections on step-by-step training, ground handling, and learning judgement (perfect for a beginner). It also covers perfecting turns, avoiding dangers, and has special chapters on takeoff and landing, great for those looking to up their paragliding skill level. This Paragliding Book is an excellent way to learn everything needed to get the basics down and progress to a competent, safe paraglider pilot.
From paragliding inspired mugs, shirts, or décor, getting something lifestyle related that reflects their passion is always a solid choice to go with. You can find many themed items or even make a custom one yourself using sites like Going this route is very budget-friendly and still showcases thoughtfulness and sentiment when gifting.
The odds that the paraglider in your life knows about the Cross-Country magazine is pretty high. Even if they don’t, then getting them hooked still won’t be very hard. Regardless, buying them a subscription to receive the ten issues a year is a great gift to think about getting. Not only will they be able to enjoy reading either hard copy or digital news and paragliding travel guides, but they are also subjected to potentially winning a new wing of their choice during the twice a year drawing.
Paragliders don’t just need gear during their flight, sometimes they want to show their love for the sport on the ground too. Shirts and hoodies are a great option, and something they can use everyday. Gloves and base layers are great accessories you can grab for them as well, as they won’t break the bank, and are great to keep your loved one nice and warm on their next flight.
If all else fails and you still feel stuck, a gift card is always a great idea. You can choose to give however much you want, and it gives your recipient the ability to pick out something that they will like on their own. Overall, gift cards are a sure-fire way to ensure that the money you are giving is going to go towards something valuable to your paragliding friend or loved one.
There is some truth behind the saying, “it’s the thought that counts.” Even if paragliding might not be something that you personally like or understand, the effort you take to showcase your support to someone who does is a gift all of its own. The reality is that no matter what paragliding gift you choose, either from the list above or something else, taking the time to get something meaningful is what matters the most. They will be appreciative that you took their paragliding passion into consideration this holiday season and feel grateful for that gesture. In the end, go ahead and choose from the ideal paragliding gifts listed above, and be confident that you will be wrapping something up that will indeed leave a lasting impression.